Wednesday 21 December 2011

Muchilott Bhagavathy Theyyam

In the place called Rayara Mangalam there lived a bhramin couple who were constantly praying rayaramangalam bhagavathy to bless them with a kid. One fine day, devi appeared in front of them and blessed them and subsequently a girl child was born to them. The beautiful kid who was the present of devi was named Deva Kanyav.

The girl was a devotee of rayara mangalam bhagavathy and amused everyone with her ability in dance and other art forms.

Muchilott Bhagavathy Theyyam
Agni was too reluctant to burn Deva kanyav. The theeyan who came that way was requested to put the dry coconuts into the fire. He ran away thinking not to help a suicide.
As she grew up, her parents took her to maniyott gurukulam. The kid showed uncharacteristic ability and scholar in all forms of education.

As per bhramin culture, at the age of 12, deva kanyav's marriage was set to happen. Devakanyav out up a single request in front of the brahmin society and her parents. The person who was going to marry her should be a scholar and he should be defeating deva kanyav in the scholar arguments.

A big arena was set and scholar and eminent personalities from far flung areas made themselves present hoping to tie the knot around devakanyav's neck.

The discussions and arguments over various subjects were carried out and all the scholars were defeated one by one.

Some of the brahmin scholars feared that if this girl was let alone, it would pose threat to the whole community and she ought to be expelled from the society.

On the third day when the marriage day was supposed to be, some of the scholars asked devakanyav, which is the most important sensation, the answer was quick, Love(Kaama). The set forwarded the next question, which is the most unbelievable pain, she had answer for this. It was the pain bearing by mother during the birth.

The band of scholars accused that devakanyav should be experienced in either of this, or she wont be able to comment authoritatively on such a subject.

She was expelled from the gurukula home and the whole society. The marriage was broken.

Devakanyav, dejected, setout from her home to prove her purity. She reached, Echikulangara temple and started praying Shiva. After 40 days, devan appeared and asked her, "Inorder to prove your purity, create a Home-Kunda and take offerings from the bytravelers and burn your physical body".

Next day, devi got up, took her bath and set out towards the south. When she reached the land of Panakkacheri Nambi(Karivalloor), she had the intution that it is the right place for burning her physical body.

Deva kanyav gathered logs from forest, created a fire area and fire from her inner self. She started praying Shiva, completed 3 round around homa kunda, removed one Chilanga(Anklets) and descented herself into the fire.

The next bytraveller was a vaniyan. He was carrying his pot of coconut oil on his head. Deva kanyav requested to pour the oil in to the fire. Praying to extinguish the fire, vaniyan poured the whole coconut oil into it.
In the next instance, Devi gave blessings to vaniya and disappeared.


The vaniyan, with his legs moved the burning charcoal and tried to see whats inside the burnt wooden logs area, but found nothing. Devi who gave her physical body into the burning homakunda was totally disappeared.This is the history of Meleri. Now during the kaliyattam, youngsters run through the burning peices of wood.


Vaniyan came back to his home, kept his pot in the room and laid down in deep sorrow. The pot got filled with oil and started jumping in itself. As a rememberance of this incident, a person jumps with pot of water on his head along with the procession during koodiyattam of muchilott bhagavathy.

After burning the physical body in the fire, devi came to Kailasa in front of Shiva and requested him to enlighten her with the purpose of her birth. She being the protector of all the fourteen world, purpose of her birth is to protect the people in the small world(Earth) from epidemics like small pox measels and leprocy. Devi was quizzikal as to how the people who once expelled her from earth would welcome her once again to their society.

Shiva informed that every one would welcome her with all their will. He would also provide her with all the requirements that would come handy to her on the way.

Devi first descented at Perinchelloor. Travelled towards north to reach karivalloor. She reached the house of muchilott padanayar. Devi decided to rest in the shades of trees. In the afternoon, devi felt thirsty due to the summer heat and decided to descent into the well(Manikkinar) of muchilodan Padanayar. Meanwhile, the wife of padanayar reached near the well to fetch water. To her astonishment, she found the gazing and wonderful sense of devi in the well. She ran to call pada nayar. But devi disappeared and made herself into the palm tree infront of muchilott padanayar's house.

In the morning, padanayar found the palm tree in a burnt state. Padanayar cut the palm tree and created twelve bows for muchilott kotta(Fort). All the eleven bows were transferred to the fort, but no one could move the twelveth one. Astrologers found there the precense of Shiva's daughter Muchilott Bhagavathy.

One day, padanayar had a dream in which Muchilott Bhagavathy wanted a place in one of the rooms of padanayar. Padanayar was more than happy to give the place for Bhagavathy.Thus devi was also known as Muchilott Bhagavathy after Muchilodan Padanayar.

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